Sign up to join the conference in Stockholm, 12–13 September 2024.
Today, the words that exist in books can be more than simply read: they can be sliced, diced, and mined in ways never before imagined in order to extract limitless amounts of new knowledge through the application of advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI,) Machine Learning (ML) and Text and Data Mining (TDM).
The challenge, from the perspective of libraries and society alike, is that digitization is subject to numerous layers of rules, including those initially drafted for an analogue environment. In this respect, a fundamental question is how libraries can make themselves relevant in the digital economy through the use of AI, ML and TDM while at the same time complying with applicable legislation.
Departing from the challenge/question of the library in the digital environment, the conference will engage in the following non-exhaustive list of timely issues: the role of copyrighted materials in AI training, ML and TDM; the economics of regulating AI; the changes brought about by recent legislative developments, including the DSM Directive; the Metaverse.
Organizers: the National Library of Sweden in collaboration with the national IPO Swedish Intellectual Property Office (“PRV”) and the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law at the Law Faculty at Stockholm University.
Read more about the conference and register at the National Library of Sweden’s website.