Internetstiftelsen, Network Open Source and Data, Open Source Sweden, Red Hat och the Foundation for Public Code håller i en endagskonferens i Stockholm.

Following our EU presidency events in Toulouse, France, and Brno, Czech Republic, we are now bringing together European actors in the Nordic capital to continue the discussion of the role of open technologies in shaping our shared digital future.

At the European level, the discussions of open source as a tool to tackle our shared digital challenges have matured. There is broad agreement that the relevance goes beyond cost-savings for the public sector. Today, open source plays a central role in strategies for increased sovereignty, competitiveness and innovation.

The day will be divided up into three thematic blocks: Cybersecurity, Community and Procurement. Particular attention will be given to key EU legislative developments such as the Interoperable Europe Act and the Cyber Resilience Act. In parallel with public sector developments, strategies to further grow the open source industry to meet the steep increase in demand will be a focal point.

Read more about the conference here, link opens in a new tab/Läs mer om konferensen här, länk öppnas i nytt fönster!

Foto: Unsplash.