I oktober drar Unescos globala medie- och informationskunnighetsvecka i gång, i år hålls den i Lettland och Litauen. Det finns möjlighet att delta och Unesco uppmuntrar även till att arrangera lokala events.

Så här är den globala veckan upplagd:
24-25 oktober, Feature Conference, Kaunas, Litauen
26 oktober, Youth Agenda Forum, Riga, Lettland
Alla dagar äger lokala events rum + att de uppmärksammas på sociala medier.

Mer information om veckan på engelska:

The annual Global MIL Week activities and the feature conference are important opportunities for stakeholders globally to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards the process of ”MIL for all”. Global MIL Week also enables connections and sharing of creative projects, the latest research, new ideas, and information across countries and stakeholders involved in MIL, and in print, screen-based and digital media.

What is MIL?
Media and information literacy (MIL) includes a set of competencies to search, critically evaluate, use and contribute information and media content wisely; knowledge of one’s rights online; understanding how to combat online hate speech and cyberbullying; understanding of the ethical issues surrounding the access and use of information; and engage with media and ICTs to promote equality, free expression, intercultural/interreligious dialogue, peace, etc.

Read more about MIL (opens in new window)