IFLA PressReader International Library Marketing Award

Nu är anmälan till IFLA PressReader International Library Marketing Award öppen.

Sista dag för anmälan är den 10 januari 2019. Läs mer och anmäl ditt bibliotek här:
Anmälan IFLA PressReader Internationel Library Marketing Award (nytt fönster)

Mer information (på engelska):

Has your library got #marketinggenius?
IFLA’s Management and Marketing section has partnered with PressReader to present the IFLA International Library Marketing Award for 2019.

The IFLA PressReader International Marketing Award recognises organizations that have implemented creative, results-oriented marketing projects or campaigns. Three winners are selected on their innovative contribution to marketing in the Library field.

The first, second and third place winners receive funds towards airfare, accommodation and registration for the World Library and Information Congress in Athens, Greece, 24–30 August 2019. The Award also recognizes marketing efforts by developing countries with fewer resources with a special commendation.