About the Open Science Conference
The Open Science Conference 2020 is the 7th international conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science. The annual conference is dedicated to the Open Science movement and provides a unique forum for researchers, librarians, practitioners, infrastructure providers, policy makers, and other important stakeholders to discuss the latest and future developments in Open Science.
The conference addresses topics around Open Science such as:
- Innovations to support open science practices and their application and acceptance in scientific communities
- Scientific benefit of open science practices and their impact in society
- Open science education and science communication to the broad public
Confirmed Speakers
- Dr Johannes Fournier, German Research Foundation / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany
- Dr Elena Giglia, University of Turin, CO-OPERAS coordinator, Italy
- Dr Emma Harris, Training Developer and Project Manager | Communications Team (MDC) and ORION project, Germany
- Dr Henriikka Mustajoki, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, Finland
- Dr Anne-Floor Marijje Schölvinck, Rathenau Instituut, Netherlands
- Dr Julia Stewart Lowndes PhD. Senior Fellow and Director of Openscapes at the National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis (NCEAS), USA
- Dr August Wierling, Western Norway University of Applied Science, Norway
Foto: Stefan Widua.