Civil society actors are crucial in bridging the digital divide in the Nordic and Baltic Region. Their work combating digital exclusion for socially at-risk groups with multifaceted needs should not be overlooked. But what does their support look like? What works, and what hinders these organisations?

As part of Nordregio’s ongoing research project, “Digital Inclusion in Action,” this webinar will explore the important role of Nordic and Baltic civil society actors in ensuring that no one is left behind in our increasingly digital world. As civil society gains traction in digitalisation policies to ensure and promote equal access to the digitalised society, we will explore the unique challenges and success factors of NGOs supporting diverse groups.

We have interviewed 20 NGOs across the Nordics and Baltics – during this webinar, we will present the comprehensive overview of their work, which will also be launched through digital stories. NGO representatives will be present to share firsthand accounts of their work and the unique challenges they face, following an interactive panel discussion including: Marika Sabroe, Project leader at The Danish National Association of Shelters (Landsforeningen af Væresteder), Rósa María Hjörvar, Digital Project Manager at The Icelandic Disability Alliance (ÖBÍ réttindasamtök), Mikael Carlsson Kerstell, General Manager at Byanätsforum.

Join us to learn more about:

  • What good practices and strategies worked and failed, for these actors?
  • How do they tackle challenges such as overcoming stigmas, securing financial support, and the lack of user involvement in developing solutions and policies?
  • What can policymakers – and society at large – do to bolster their efforts going forward?

Don’t miss this chance to learn, share, and network about making digital inclusion a reality in the Nordic and Baltic Regions. Register through the form below! Those who register will also receive a recording of the webinar and a link to the launched storymaps after the webinar.

Read more and register here