I samband med det litteraturpolitiska toppmötet, som ägde rum den 25 september i Göteborg, har de nordiska biblioteksföreningarna gått samman för att uppmärksamma det Nordiska ministerrådet på bibliotekens centrala roll i regionen.
”The joint Nordic Library Associations would like to address the Nordic Council of Ministers concerning the vital role of libraries in the region. The Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2024 seeks to make the Nordic region safer, greener, and freer and to help it become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world. The vision of the UNs Sustainable Development Goals is of central importance in this context, as the principle of “leave no one behind” in the SDG: s is also the fundament of libraries.”
Läs även texten på svenska via biblioteksföreningarnas debattartikel i Borås Tidning här.