Under Biblioteksdagarna 2024 kommer Anna Tuomikoski, informationsspecialist på Finlands nationalbibliotek, att prata om hur de har arbetat fram ett finskt nationellt e-bibliotek, som kommer att öppna i april.
I april 2024 kommer Finlands nationella e-bibliotek, efter två års arbete, att lanseras. E-biblioteket är en del av Nationalbiblioteket som har inrättat en separat enhet för att utveckla och samordna tjänsten. Under Biblioteksdagarna kommer Anna Tuomikoski att berätta om hur tjänsten har blivit verklighet, hur samarbetet med de finska folkbiblioteken ser ut och vad man hoppas på i framtiden. Presentationen kommer att hållas på engelska.
– I’m thrilled to be one of the participants. We have learned a lot as we have built the E-library and I’m happy to share our best practices and lessons learned to Swedish audience. You don’t need to do the same mistakes – you can just pick the best of our ideas, säger Tuomikoski.
Can you briefly describe your experience working with the Finnish e-library?
– It has been extremely interesting and inspiring to build a nationwide E-library. We could not have achieved anything alone and the support of the whole team has been extremely important. It has been a great privilege – a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Why do you believe it is important for attendees to listen to you?
– I think that by listening to me you can realize that anything can be done even if it seems tough in the beginning. Sometimes all it requires is a bunch of people with a strong belief in what they want to achieve.
What is the most important takeaway you want participants to have after listening to you?
– I hope that people will walk out of the room after listening to me by thinking that they can do it too.
Anmäl dig till Biblioteksdagarna
Foto: Taru Leinonen.